Summer camp means lots of things: new friends, roommates, bug bites, bathroom duty...But it's also a chance to be on your own and to reinvent yourself. A shy girl can become the belle of the ball, and ajock might find new competition. Natalie, Jenna, Grace, and Alex have all found themselves at Camp Lakeview for different reasons. And each is keeping a secret. But if everyone is hiding something, how will they ever become friends? Jenna Bloom is a Lakeview legacy. She's been coming to camp for three years and so have her brothers. All of her brothers. Jenna used to think that was...
Summer camp means lots of things: new friends, roommates, bug bites, bathroom duty...But it's also a chance to be on your own and to reinvent yourself...
Funny and talented, Grace Matthews is everyone's friend. But when the girlsin bunk 3C pair off, Grace realizes she's the only one without a best friend. Soon, Grace starts hanging out with Kerri, a girl from a rival bunk, who starts bullying Grace and those around her. Will Grace have the courage to stand up for herself--even if it means standing on her own?
Funny and talented, Grace Matthews is everyone's friend. But when the girlsin bunk 3C pair off, Grace realizes she's the only one without a best frien...
Sworn city girl Natalie Goode is actually back--voluntarily--at Lakepuke for more. More mess-food cooking, more bug-infested bunk beds, and even more nature shack (well, maybe not nature shack; a girl has to maintain some standards, after all). And even though the returning 3C-ers have been split up, she's still got Alyssa as her bunkmate and official summertime BFF. Unfortunately, there's a new camper on the scene Tori is sophisticated, literate, and very cute. Good thing Natalie's not the jealous type . . . or is she?
Sworn city girl Natalie Goode is actually back--voluntarily--at Lakepuke for more. More mess-food cooking, more bug-infested bunk beds, and even more ...
Jenna Bloom swore she'd behave herself this summer. She knows that one more practical joke and even her friends won't be so friendly anymore. But when she's sidelined from the color war by an unexpected injury, will Jenna revert to her mischievous ways? Could the ultimate prank be, ultimately, way too tempting?
Jenna Bloom swore she'd behave herself this summer. She knows that one more practical joke and even her friends won't be so friendly anymore. But when...
Seventh grade is a really big year. Especially if, say, for instance, your camp crush, the one who wanted to be "just friends" has finally decided to take an interest in you--now that you've been flirting with someone new. That's just Priya's dilemma. But all the girls seem to have their own share of problems and solving them without their closest camp friends by their side is no fun at all."
Seventh grade is a really big year. Especially if, say, for instance, your camp crush, the one who wanted to be "just friends" has finally decided to ...
Gaby's had it with "The Chelsea Show." So she embarks on her own attention-seeking campaign, and claims the boy on a Survivor-type TV program for teens is her brother. At first this seems like the perfect getpopular- quick scheme. That is, until the boy wins the competition and is awarded the grand prize: a trip to Australia, leaving immediately, WITH HIS ENTIRE FAMILY Forget popularity--unless Gaby figures out a way to convince her bunkmates that she's on the next flight out to Australia, she'll never be able to show her face at Lakeview again.
Gaby's had it with "The Chelsea Show." So she embarks on her own attention-seeking campaign, and claims the boy on a Survivor-type TV program for teen...
Brynn's just transferred to a brand-new school in a town close by. A town in Bizarro World, that is, where academic excellence is the fast track to popularity and Candace--yes, quiet, seemingly insecure Candace--is the reigning queen bee. Brynn's not sure how she'll ever fit in to this parallel universe, until one day she notices Candace crumbling under the weight of some serious self-imposed stress. So Brynn takes Candace under her wing and teaches her the fine art of chilling out before she turns into a complete basket case at the tender age of thirteen.
Brynn's just transferred to a brand-new school in a town close by. A town in Bizarro World, that is, where academic excellence is the fast track to po...
When Natalie's dad is nominated for a Best Actor Oscar, she flies to L.A. for the week, where she plans on hanging out with Tori and also taking her to the Oscars. But when Natalie hits it off with Tori's friend Reed, Tori feels left out and picks a giant fight, which culminates in Natalie rescinding Tori's invitation to the Oscars and giving it to Reed instead. Cut to: Natalie and Tori and their tearful reconciliation. Unfortunately the only way for Natalie to really enjoy this happilyever- after ending is to find a replacement ticket to the Oscars
When Natalie's dad is nominated for a Best Actor Oscar, she flies to L.A. for the week, where she plans on hanging out with Tori and also taking her t...
Alyssa finds an amethyst, a stone believed to aid in psychic awareness. Suddenly shes interpreting dreams and making predictions. However, after a prediction causes the bunk to miss a Phillies game, even the believers cross over to the dark side.
Alyssa finds an amethyst, a stone believed to aid in psychic awareness. Suddenly shes interpreting dreams and making predictions. However, after a pre...