An indispensable reference for drama teachers, directors, architects and design professionals. Twelve chapters in three sections: Part 1 -- Tools and Terminology: All of the basics -- the evolution of sources and controls. Part 2 -- Manipulating the Light: Developing the Lighting Key -- source levels and controls. Part 3 -- The Collaborative Process: An anecdotal approach to communicating intent using modern technology.
An indispensable reference for drama teachers, directors, architects and design professionals. Twelve chapters in three sections: Part 1 -- Tools and ...
Theatres and auditoriums, even small ones that are meant to support performance, are highly complex buildings. In this book, two professional theatre design and engineering consultants explore the keys to making these buildings successful.
Theatres and auditoriums, even small ones that are meant to support performance, are highly complex buildings. In this book, two professional theatre ...