"Heal yourself and in doing so you will heal others. Feel their pain; don't judge. Offer love and compassion; give of yourself, as that is when you receive the most for yourself and your dreams"
"DIAL LOVE: God's Planetary Guide for Attaining Happiness through Spiritual Fulfillment" is a collection of channeled work, with each channeling conveying a message, one paragraph at a time.
In 2006, something out of the ordinary occurred. Author Donna Lynn was preparing for a spiritual workshop when she began to hear a comforting, gentle, and loving voice. "Heal yourself, and in doing so you...
"Heal yourself and in doing so you will heal others. Feel their pain; don't judge. Offer love and compassion; give of yourself, as that is when you...
Through a moving autobiographical account, Donna Lynn reveals the downfall of a passionate adopted child, who took to heart the slights she encountered as a pastor's kid in her father's Evangelical churches. As she grew up, Donna fell into a downfall to such an abject state that she even tried to take her own life. Donna describes compelling details of her long road to recovery, forgiveness, and even miracles. She describes in raw detail what it's like to grow up as a PK in a church. It was in the midst of her strife where Donna found God's grace and love. Donna learned she was never too...
Through a moving autobiographical account, Donna Lynn reveals the downfall of a passionate adopted child, who took to heart the slights she encount...
Through a moving autobiographical account, Donna Lynn reveals the downfall of a passionate adopted child, who took to heart the slights she encountered as a pastor's kid in her father's Evangelical churches. As she grew up, Donna fell into a downfall to such an abject state that she even tried to take her own life. Donna describes compelling details of her long road to recovery, forgiveness, and even miracles. She describes in raw detail what it's like to grow up as a PK in a church. It was in the midst of her strife where Donna found God's grace and love. Donna learned she was never too...
Through a moving autobiographical account, Donna Lynn reveals the downfall of a passionate adopted child, who took to heart the slights she encount...