The First International Symposium on the Interface between Analytical Chemistry and Microbiology: Applications of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry was held June 1987 at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, U.S.A. The purpose of the "Interface" meeting was to forge connections between analytical chemists and microbiologists that are using chromatography and mass spectrometry to solve common problems. The goals were admirably fulfilled. Nearly a hundred participants from seven European countries, Japan, and the United States participated in hearing twenty-three plenary talks and...
The First International Symposium on the Interface between Analytical Chemistry and Microbiology: Applications of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry...
"A sojourn into the realm of a blinking mind's eyes.More than just a passing fancy but a feast for the heart. With one foot in the dark, and the other just stepping into the light"
Poems I wrote expressing struggles between light and dark, good and bad, happiness and sadness, positive and negative....
."..there is a little dark in every great light, and a little light in every great dark..."
The theme of these poems is just that. Exposing light within the dark, or even, dark within a light...
"A sojourn into the realm of a blinking mind's eyes.More than just a passing fancy but a feast for the heart. With one foot in the dark, and th...
The First International Symposium on the Interface between Analytical Chemistry and Microbiology: Applications of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry was held June 1987 at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, U.S.A. The purpose of the "Interface" meeting was to forge connections between analytical chemists and microbiologists that are using chromatography and mass spectrometry to solve common problems. The goals were admirably fulfilled. Nearly a hundred participants from seven European countries, Japan, and the United States participated in hearing twenty-three plenary talks and...
The First International Symposium on the Interface between Analytical Chemistry and Microbiology: Applications of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry...