"Integrated Risk Governance: Science Plan and Case Studies of Large-scale Disasters" is the first book in the IHDP-Integrated Risk Governance Project Series. It consists of two parts: Part I: Integrated Risk Governance Project Science Plan, which outlines the challenge, research programme, outcomes, and implementation strategy of the IRG Project; and Part II: Case Studies of Large-scale Disasters, which includes case analyses of experience, lessons learned and recommendations on various large-scale disasters around the world, such as the Tangshan and Wenchuan earthquakes and the great ice...
"Integrated Risk Governance: Science Plan and Case Studies of Large-scale Disasters" is the first book in the IHDP-Integrated Risk Governance Proje...
Um praktische Probleme im Umweltbereich zu losen, ist es oft entscheidend, gesellschaftliche Aspekte angemessen zu berucksichtigen. Die umweltsoziologische Forschung verfugt uber eine reiche Palette von Methoden und Kenntnissen, um diese Aufgabe zu bewaltigen. Zugleich ist sie in der Lage, eine kritische Reflexion der heutigen Umweltproblematik zu ermoglichen und weiterzuentwickeln. Dieser Band gibt einen Uberblick uber den aktuellen Forschungsstand der Umweltsoziologie im internationalen Rahmen und unter Einschlu von Nachbardisziplinen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit widmet er Ansatzen fur...
Um praktische Probleme im Umweltbereich zu losen, ist es oft entscheidend, gesellschaftliche Aspekte angemessen zu berucksichtigen. Die umweltsoziolog...
"Integrated Risk Governance: Science Plan and Case Studies of Large-scale Disasters" is the first book in the IHDP-Integrated Risk Governance Project Series. It consists of two parts: Part I: Integrated Risk Governance Project Science Plan, which outlines the challenge, research programme, outcomes, and implementation strategy of the IRG Project; and Part II: Case Studies of Large-scale Disasters, which includes case analyses of experience, lessons learned and recommendations on various large-scale disasters around the world, such as the Tangshan and Wenchuan earthquakes and the great ice...
"Integrated Risk Governance: Science Plan and Case Studies of Large-scale Disasters" is the first book in the IHDP-Integrated Risk Governance Proje...