Raised in an orphanage since birth, sixteen-year-old Tony Cole has seen more disappointment than success-but his life changes forever after he meets billionaire and philanthropist Jonathan Stuyvesant. Jonathon spends twelve years mentoring Tony, helping him to become a financial wizard. After he dies, he leaves Tony a vast fortune-with a catch. During the reading of his last will and testament, Jonathon issues a challenge to Tony-to become the next man to acquire a wealth of over three billion dollars. Suddenly overwhelmed by the curious reporters who surround him after the news is announced,...
Raised in an orphanage since birth, sixteen-year-old Tony Cole has seen more disappointment than success-but his life changes forever after he meets b...
Raised in an orphanage since birth, sixteen-year-old Tony Cole has seen more disappointment than success-but his life changes forever after he meets billionaire and philanthropist Jonathan Stuyvesant. Jonathon spends twelve years mentoring Tony, helping him to become a financial wizard. After he dies, he leaves Tony a vast fortune-with a catch. During the reading of his last will and testament, Jonathon issues a challenge to Tony-to become the next man to acquire a wealth of over three billion dollars. Suddenly overwhelmed by the curious reporters who surround him after the news is announced,...
Raised in an orphanage since birth, sixteen-year-old Tony Cole has seen more disappointment than success-but his life changes forever after he meets b...
"I was always a project, something that needed to be fixed. There was always something wrong with me. If only he could know, if only I could tell him, if only...There are too many if only's..." All Kennan wanted was an ordinary life, a chance to learn, to socialize... to go outdoors. But he was different. Having been born a disfigured mute, Kennan Wesley, became an instant embarrassment to his mother, who insisted he be locked away to shield him from "a world he could never be a part of." After her death, Kennan's brother, Karl, assumed the role of his caretaker and...
"I was always a project, something that needed to be fixed. There was always something wrong with me. If only he could know, if only I could tell him,...
"A unique approach to understanding how you innately relate to handling money. A fascinating concept "
- Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages
True financial well-being involves more than getting out of debt and accumulating wealth. It's about discovering how you're wired by God, and how that wiring influences the way you think about, feel toward, and handle money.
Discovering your money type - whether you are an Abraham (hospitality), an Isaac (discipline), a Jacob (beauty), a Joseph (connection), a Moses (endurance), an Aaron (humility), or a David...
"A unique approach to understanding how you innately relate to handling money. A fascinating concept "