Spanning four generations and an infinite range of human emotions, "When We Were Young" is the story of the Mitchell family, beginning in England at the outbreak of World War II and chronicling the triumphs and tragedies of those tumultuous times. Most of all, it is the story of Jim Mitchell, a young, ambitious English boy, hardened by his wartime experience. Eager to grasp life's opportunities, he embarks on an adventure peopled by a rich cast of characters he meets along the way. The raven-haired, charismatic, Maggie Bernadette O'Toole, rebellious daughter of his father's sister, and her...
Spanning four generations and an infinite range of human emotions, "When We Were Young" is the story of the Mitchell family, beginning in England a...
Spanning four generations and an infinite range of human emotions, "When We Were Young" is the story of the Mitchell family, beginning in England at the outbreak of World War II and chronicling the triumphs and tragedies of those tumultuous times. Most of all, it is the story of Jim Mitchell, a young, ambitious English boy, hardened by his wartime experience. Eager to grasp life's opportunities, he embarks on an adventure peopled by a rich cast of characters he meets along the way. The raven-haired, charismatic, Maggie Bernadette O'Toole, rebellious daughter of his father's sister, and her...
Spanning four generations and an infinite range of human emotions, "When We Were Young" is the story of the Mitchell family, beginning in England a...