The knowledge base on sexual offender treatment has become so extensive that following established paths is no longer the only way to expand understanding and improve the assessment and treatment of clients.
Written by established and recognised experts, Sexual Offender Treatment: Controversial Issues explores only the most current, novel and controversial issues in the field of sexual offender treatment
This comprehensive text covers a wide range of issues, such as recidivism risk assessment, diagnostic problems, preparatory programs, psychopathy and online sexuality. The...
The knowledge base on sexual offender treatment has become so extensive that following established paths is no longer the only way to expand understan...
William Leonard Marshall Dana Anderson Yolanda Fernandez
Sexual offending is an extensive problem in our societies causing untold harm to many innocent victims. Sexual offenders typically have a personal history of abuse of various kinds and it seems that most of them would prefer to live offence-free lives. It takes courage for these offenders to face their own problems and to deal with the consequences of their actions on their victims, the victim's families, and their own families and friends. This treatment programme presses these offenders into facing the facts and taking responsibility for their actions, in a firm and supportive manner. It...
Sexual offending is an extensive problem in our societies causing untold harm to many innocent victims. Sexual offenders typically have a personal his...