The crime serials by French filmmaker Louis Feuillade provide a unique point of departure for film studies, presenting modes rarely examined within early cinematic paradigms. Made during 1913 to 1920, the series of six films share not only a consistency of narrative structure and style but also a progressive revelation of the criminal threat - a dislocation of both cinematic and ideological subjectivity - as it shifts realms of social, cultural, and aesthetic disturbance. Feuillade's work raises significant questions of cinema authorship, film history, and film aesthetics, all of which are...
The crime serials by French filmmaker Louis Feuillade provide a unique point of departure for film studies, presenting modes rarely examined within ea...
ELECTRACY AND TRANSMEDIA STUDIES Series Editors: JAN RUNE HOLMEVIK and Cynthia Haynes "FUTURE TEXTS offers fresh and exciting work by a range of inspiring contributors on the cultural possibilities of Afrofuturism and new media. In these polyvocal essays, the concerns of race, gender and identity are reimagined, expanded, and revitalized, demonstrating (anew) the contemporary relevance of feminist engagement with popular cultural forms." -ANNE BALSAMO FUTURE TEXTS: SUBVERSIVE PERFORMANCE AND FEMINIST BODIES sketches several possibilities for future texts, those that imagine new pathways...
ELECTRACY AND TRANSMEDIA STUDIES Series Editors: JAN RUNE HOLMEVIK and Cynthia Haynes "FUTURE TEXTS offers fresh and exciting work by a range of inspi...
ELECTRACY AND TRANSMEDIA STUDIES Series Editors: JAN RUNE HOLMEVIK and Cynthia Haynes "FUTURE TEXTS offers fresh and exciting work by a range of inspiring contributors on the cultural possibilities of Afrofuturism and new media. In these polyvocal essays, the concerns of race, gender and identity are reimagined, expanded, and revitalized, demonstrating (anew) the contemporary relevance of feminist engagement with popular cultural forms." -ANNE BALSAMO FUTURE TEXTS: SUBVERSIVE PERFORMANCE AND FEMINIST BODIES sketches several possibilities for future texts, those that imagine new pathways...
ELECTRACY AND TRANSMEDIA STUDIES Series Editors: JAN RUNE HOLMEVIK and Cynthia Haynes "FUTURE TEXTS offers fresh and exciting work by a range of inspi...