On behalf of the Program Committee, it is a pleasure for us to introduce the proceedingsofthe1stEuropeanAcrossGridsConference.Thiseventwasheldin SantiagodeCompostela, Spain, February13 14,2003.Theconference, organized by the University of Santiago (USC), the University of A Coruna (UDC) and theSupercomputingCenterofGalicia(CESGA), waspromotedbytheEuropean CrossGrid project and supported by the GridStart Cluster. The idea of organizing this event was born within the CrossGrid com- nity. CrossGrid is developing its middleware, tools and applications in colla- ration with DataGrid and GridLab...
On behalf of the Program Committee, it is a pleasure for us to introduce the proceedingsofthe1stEuropeanAcrossGridsConference.Thiseventwasheldin Santi...