Based on country reports and practical input from researchers and activists in the field, this book is an up-to-date account of the issues surrounding women's reproductive rights across Europe. The contributions provide astute theoretical analysis of existing problems and suggest innovative alternatives. The book brings together authors from academia, policy-making and international institutions to ensure comprehensive representation and thorough commentary of the issues.
Based on country reports and practical input from researchers and activists in the field, this book is an up-to-date account of the issues surrounding...
Global ethics is an exciting and growing field of study. It addresses the most pressing contemporary ethical concerns, including rogue states, torture, scarce resources, poverty, migration, consumption, global trade, medical tourism, and humanitarian intervention. Global ethics is both topical and important. How we resolve (or fail to resolve) the dilemmas of global ethics shapes how we understand ourselves, our relationships with each other and the social and political frameworks of governance now and into the future. This is seen most clearly in the case of climate change, where our actions...
Global ethics is an exciting and growing field of study. It addresses the most pressing contemporary ethical concerns, including rogue states, torture...
This volume provides a distinctive contribution to the growing debate about global justice and global ethics. It brings a multi-disciplinary voice which spans philosophical, political and social disciplines and emphasises the social element of global justice in both theory and practice.
This volume provides a distinctive contribution to the growing debate about global justice and global ethics. It brings a multi-disciplinary voice whi...
This volume maps the areas of ethical concern in the debate regarding the governance of genetic information, and suggests alternative ethical frameworks and models of regulation in order to inform its restructuring. Genetic governance is at the heart of medical and scientific developments, and is connected to global exploitation, issues of commodification, commercialisation and ownership, the concepts of property and intellectual property and concerns about individual and communal identity. Thus the decisions that are made in the next few years about appropriate models of genetic governance...
This volume maps the areas of ethical concern in the debate regarding the governance of genetic information, and suggests alternative ethical framewor...
Global ethics focuses on the most pressing contemporary ethical issues - poverty, global trade, terrorism, torture, pollution, climate change and the management of scarce recourses. It draws on moral and political philosophy, political and social science, empirical research, and real-world policy and activism. "The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics" is an outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in this exciting subject, presenting an authoritative overview of the most significant issues and ideas in global ethics. The 31 chapters by a team of international...
Global ethics focuses on the most pressing contemporary ethical issues - poverty, global trade, terrorism, torture, pollution, climate change and t...
This edited collection explores the agency of women who do violence and have violence done to them. It contributes to the philosophical and theoretical debate, as well as offering practical, social and political responses to the issues examined.
This book has one open access chapter under a CC BY license
This edited collection explores the agency of women who do violence and have violence done to them. It contributes to the philosophical and theoretica...
Iris Murdoch's moral philosophy, though highly influential in 20th century moral theory, is somewhat unsystematic and inaccessible. In this work Widdows outlines the moral vision of Iris Murdoch in its entirety and draws out the implications of her thought for the contemporary ethical debate.
Iris Murdoch's moral philosophy, though highly influential in 20th century moral theory, is somewhat unsystematic and inaccessible. In this work Widdo...