Have recent efforts to restructure education resulted in actual improvement? Lindblad (education, Uppsala U.), Popkewitz (education, U. of Wisconsin-Madison) and contributors take a global look at the democratization of education on an international level, describing the consequences and controversies caused not only in the education community but
Have recent efforts to restructure education resulted in actual improvement? Lindblad (education, Uppsala U.), Popkewitz (education, U. of Wisconsin-M...
European welfare institutions such as education and health care are restructuring their organisations in terms of decentralisation, deregulation, privatization and so forth. As a consequence professional positions and demands on professional competencies in these institutions are in transition. At the same time European societies are changing in different ways, e.g. in terms of a "knowledge society" as well as in demographic and cultural changes. Professionals such as teachers and nurses are meeting such changes in their work with students and clients.
Thus, there is a need to study these...
European welfare institutions such as education and health care are restructuring their organisations in terms of decentralisation, deregulation, priv...