Chad Underkoffler Andrew Byers Michaelbrent Collings
"Once Upon a Time, in the Zantabulous Land of Zo. . ." Hunters face vindictive fairies, Living Confections and Talking Animals roam the land, witches cast curses to thwart True Love, and heroes of every stripe confront the Gray Wind, Death-on-Four-Legs -- Shaykosch, the Wolf-King. Will they find the Happily Ever Afters that they seek? Turn the page and see Uncanny Books is proud to present a collection of original fairy tales based on the setting and characters inititally developed in Chad Underkoffler's "Zorcerer of Zo" role-playing game, published by Atomic Sock Monkey Press. Despite being...
"Once Upon a Time, in the Zantabulous Land of Zo. . ." Hunters face vindictive fairies, Living Confections and Talking Animals roam the land, witches ...