The core table top gaming book for the Dystopia Rising universe, the Dystopia Rising Corebook provides all of the basics a group of friends needs to dive into the Dystopian future. Set in the post zombie apocalyptic future, the Dystopia Rising universe intertwined human drama with fast paced cinematic action. In a world filled with the undead, the greatest threats still have a pulse. Can you survive the zombie apocalypse?
The core table top gaming book for the Dystopia Rising universe, the Dystopia Rising Corebook provides all of the basics a group of friends needs to d...
Dr Peter T. Scott Dr Peter T. Scott Andrew J. Scott
ADVENTURES in EARTH SCIENCE is not just an in-depth textbook but a series of adventures across seven continents and beyond in the sciences of astronomy, geology, meteorology and oceanography. It has been written with over forty years of experience in studying, researching and teaching earth science. Whilst it has been designed for senior high school and junior university or college, it is written in an easy style and well-illustrated so that anyone with an interest in this topic would find it an interesting and valuable resource.
The latest scientific information has been given in...
ADVENTURES in EARTH SCIENCE is not just an in-depth textbook but a series of adventures across seven continents and beyond in the sciences of astro...
Desperate for that new outfit but have a maxed out credit card? Need a car but cannot a loan? This could be the best help for you right now.
Debt Free the Morals of Money Management is a comprehensive financial guide and resource book covering almost all of the financial situations that the average person can experience in a lifetime.
This book is also a one-stop resource for all the contact information and links to the various forms that you may need someday.
This book is part of the...
Debt Free, the Morals of Money Management
Desperate for that new outfit but have a maxed out credit card?&nb...