Rigorous methodological techniques have been developed in the last decade to improve the reliability and accuracy of self reports from research volunteers and patients about their pain, mood, substance abuse history, or dietary habits. This book presents cutting-edge research on optimal methods for obtaining self-reported information for use in the evaluation of scientific hypothesis, in therapeutic interventions, and in the development of prognostic indicators. ALTERNATE BLURB: Self-reports constitute critically important data for research and practice in many fields. As the...
Rigorous methodological techniques have been developed in the last decade to improve the reliability and accuracy of self reports from research volunt...
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has designated the topic of real-time data capture as an important and innovative research area. As such, the NCI sponsored a national meeting of distinguished research scientists to discuss the state of the science in this emerging and burgeoning field. This book reflects the findings of the conference and discusses the state of the science of real-time data capture and its application to health and cancer research. It provides a conceptual framework for minute-by-minute data capture- ecological momentary assessments (EMA)- and discusses health-related...
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has designated the topic of real-time data capture as an important and innovative research area. As such, the NCI ...