This work of fiction, set in 1982, foreshadows by a decade the violent indigenous uprisings in the State of Chiapas, Mexico, and the drug cartel and weapons wars of today. A college professor dies under suspicious circumstances. A day later, a colleague receives a mysterious package from him by mail. In a nearby town, a struggling attorney is offered a flight to Mexico and a substantial cash retainer to file a lawsuit of dubious merit. Thus begins the story of three young Americans who find themselves unwittingly drawn into the maelstrom of Presidential politics in Mexico as the Tarascan...
This work of fiction, set in 1982, foreshadows by a decade the violent indigenous uprisings in the State of Chiapas, Mexico, and the drug cartel and w...
Drawing on the works of noted authors such as Alan Watts and Fritjof Capra, Fingers Versus The Moon explores the psychology of Eastern thought, and the importance of integrating it into Western psychological perspectives. In this thought-provoking volume, Dr. Kline points out why contemporary Western psychology needs the kind of re-conceptualization that revolutionized physics at the beginning of the twentieth century. Looking beyond the labels of mysticism and spirituality he identifies the underlying psychology of the Buddhist Sutras - a psychology supported by both theory and empirical...
Drawing on the works of noted authors such as Alan Watts and Fritjof Capra, Fingers Versus The Moon explores the psychology of Eastern thought, and th...