A group of elderly women who call themselves 'The Great Council of the Grandmothers' appeared to the author as she was walking her dog. These wise women-who represent all cultures and races of humanity-revealed to her their mission: "Earth has suffered too long from an excess of yang and insufficient yin. We have come to correct this."
Desperate times call for something new. As humans stand at the edge of the precipice, the winds of change blasting our backs, the universe throws us a lifeline. Help has appeared in the form of wise old women, the Great Council of the...
A group of elderly women who call themselves 'The Great Council of the Grandmothers' appeared to the author as she was walking her dog. These wise ...
We are bombarded by so much change that many today live with chronic stress. Accelerated change assaults our nervous system and makes us long for a place to rest.
Fortunately for us, underneath all the storms of life lies the Net of Light. What scientists call the Cosmic Web cradles everything--including us-in its comforting embrace, reminding us that we are not insignificant, separate entities, but are an intrinsic part of the fabric of life that supports our planet.
This Net or Web holds us, penetrates the cells of our bodies, and reaches throughout the cosmos. "This is...
We are bombarded by so much change that many today live with chronic stress. Accelerated change assaults our nervous system and makes us long for a...
Det var i september 1996 at en gruppe eldre kvinner som kaller seg Bestemodrenes Store Rad viste seg for forfatteren da hun var ute og gikk pa tur med hunden. Disse kloke kvinnene - som representerer alle kulturer og menneskeraser - fortalte henne om sitt oppdrag. Jorden har alt for lenge lidd under en overflod av yang og for svak yin. Vi har kommet for a rette opp i dette fortsatte de. Vanskelige tider krever nye losninger. Mens menneskeheten star pa kanten av stupet med forandringens vinder i ryggen har universet sendt oss en livline. Hjelpen har kommet i form av disse kloke gamle kvinnene,...
Det var i september 1996 at en gruppe eldre kvinner som kaller seg Bestemodrenes Store Rad viste seg for forfatteren da hun var ute og gikk pa tur med...
En septembre 1996 un groupe de femmes d'un certain age qui se font appeler 'Le Grand Conseil des Grands-meres' est apparu pendant qu'elle se promenait avec son chien. Ces femmes sages - qui representent toutes les cultures et races de l'humanite - lui ont revele sa mission La Terre a trop longtemps souffert d'un exces de yang et un manque de yin, nous sommes venues corriger cela.
Dans des moments critiques il nous faut quelque chose de nouveau. Les hommes se trouvent au bord du precipice avec les vents de changement qui nous poussent dans le dos et l'univers nous lance une bouee de...
En septembre 1996 un groupe de femmes d'un certain age qui se font appeler 'Le Grand Conseil des Grands-meres' est apparu pendant qu'elle se promen...