This work was discovered and published in 1516 by Martin Luther, who said of it that "Next to the Bible and St. Augustine, no book has ever come into my hands from which I have learnt more of God and Christ, and man and all things that are." It has since appealed to Christians of all persuasions. "To those who really hunger and thirst after righteousness; and who long to know what righteousness is: To those who long to be freed from sin itself while they live on earth; and who wish to know what sin is, that they may avoid it: To those who wish to be justified by faith by being made just...
This work was discovered and published in 1516 by Martin Luther, who said of it that "Next to the Bible and St. Augustine, no book has ever come into ...
The "Theologia Germanica" is believed to have been written around 1350, by a priest in the house of the Teutonic order in Frankfort, Germany. The author may have been associated with the "Friends of God," led by Dominicans, John Tauler and Blessed Henry Suso. This book came to the attention of Martin Luther, and he is credited with giving the treatise its modern name. Written over a century before Luther's time, its theology draws upon the Latin Christianity of the Rhineland. The "Theologia Germanica" has appeared in many editions and languages over its 600-year history, and has taken its...
The "Theologia Germanica" is believed to have been written around 1350, by a priest in the house of the Teutonic order in Frankfort, Germany. The a...
T. PAUL saith, -When that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.- Now mark what is -that which is perfect, - and -that which is in part.- -That which is perfect- is a Being, who hath comprehended and included all things in Himself and His own Substance, and without whom, and beside whom, there is no true Substance, and in whom all things have their Substance. For He is the Substance of all things, and is in Himself unchangeable and immoveable, and changeth and moveth all things else. But -that which is in part, - or the Imperfect, is that which hath its...
T. PAUL saith, -When that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.- Now mark what is -that which is perfect, - and -th...