Three lives originally traveling on separate roads of life. Each totally unaware of the others existence, until fate was called upon to bring them together for a common purpose. One woman in search of something she never experienced, while seeking to make a better life for herself and those around her. A single minded personality who would discover that life was about more than being successful. One man walking a thin line as a single parent, while hoping to reclaim a paradise that he believed was taken from him much too soon. A second woman, whose faith in the human spirit was unshakable....
Three lives originally traveling on separate roads of life. Each totally unaware of the others existence, until fate was called upon to bring them tog...
Three lives originally traveling on separate roads of life. Each totally unaware of the others existence, until fate was called upon to bring them together for a common purpose. One woman in search of something she never experienced, while seeking to make a better life for herself and those around her. A single minded personality who would discover that life was about more than being successful. One man walking a thin line as a single parent, while hoping to reclaim a paradise that he believed was taken from him much too soon. A second woman, whose faith in the human spirit was unshakable....
Three lives originally traveling on separate roads of life. Each totally unaware of the others existence, until fate was called upon to bring them tog...