Traditionally, the DDSS conferences aim to be a platform for both starting and experienced researchers who focus on the development and application of computer support in urban planning and architectural design. This volume contains 31 peer reviewed papers from this year s conference. This book will bring researchers together and is a valuable resource for their continuous joint effort to improve the design and planning of our environment.
Traditionally, the DDSS conferences aim to be a platform for both starting and experienced researchers who focus on the development and application...
Jos P. Va Harry J. P. Timmermans Jos P. Van Leeuwen
As editors of this volume we would like to express our gratitude to the contributing authors who have delivered these highly relevant and inspiring chapters and to the international scientific committee for their help in the review and editing. Special thanks go to our colleagues Mandy van de Sande, Marlyn Aretz, and Leo van Veghel, who were great in organising the conference and took care of everything that made it a pleasant and comfortable event. Eindhoven, July 2004 Jos van Leeuwen and Harry Timmermans Conference Chairs x DDSS 2004 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Alan Bridges, UK Kees...
As editors of this volume we would like to express our gratitude to the contributing authors who have delivered these highly relevant and inspiring ch...
This volume contains a selection of contributions presented at the conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning' held in Mierlo, the Netherlands, in July 1992. Collectively, the various contributions present an up to date review of current research directions which are being vigorously pursued. Potentially important advances are highlighted which relate to visualisation, product modelling, cost evaluation, conceptual modelling and evaluation techniques as components of design and decision support systems. New concepts and systems are introduced, and...
This volume contains a selection of contributions presented at the conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Plannin...
As editors of this volume we would like to express our gratitude to the contributing authors who have delivered these highly relevant and inspiring chapters and to the international scientific committee for their help in the review and editing. Special thanks go to our colleagues Mandy van de Sande, Marlyn Aretz, and Leo van Veghel, who were great in organising the conference and took care of everything that made it a pleasant and comfortable event. Eindhoven, July 2004 Jos van Leeuwen and Harry Timmermans Conference Chairs x DDSS 2004 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Alan Bridges, UK Kees...
As editors of this volume we would like to express our gratitude to the contributing authors who have delivered these highly relevant and inspiring ch...
Jos P., Van Leeuwen Harry J. P. Timmermans Van Jos P. Leeuwen
Traditionally, the DDSS conferences aim to be a platform for both starting and experienced researchers who focus on the development and application of computer support in urban planning and architectural design. This volume contains 31 peer reviewed papers from this year s conference. This book will bring researchers together and is a valuable resource for their continuous joint effort to improve the design and planning of our environment.
Traditionally, the DDSS conferences aim to be a platform for both starting and experienced researchers who focus on the development and application...
Thi s book ari ses from The Fourth European Coll oqui urn on Theoret i ca 1 and Quant itat i ve Geography wh i ch was he 1 din Ve 1 dhoven, The Netherlands in September 1985. It contains a series of papers on spatial choice dynamics and dynamical spatial systems which were presented at the colloquium, together with a few other soll icited ones. The book is intended primarily as a state-of-the art review of mainly European research on these two fastly growing problem areas. As a consequence of this decision, the book contains a selection of papers that differs in terms of focus, level of...
Thi s book ari ses from The Fourth European Coll oqui urn on Theoret i ca 1 and Quant itat i ve Geography wh i ch was he 1 din Ve 1 dhoven, The Nether...