This is the most up-to-date Mandarin Chinese Dictionary available today.
Tuttle Concise Chinese Dictionary has both Chinese to English and English to Chinese sections. It's compact size allows for easy transport without limiting the content. This Mandarin dictionary is perfect for Chinese language students, or business people and tourists traveling to China who wish to learn Chinese. It contains over 25,000 words and expressions (including all the required words for the official HSK Chinese Proficiency Examination), carefully selected to cover all important aspects of life...
This is the most up-to-date Mandarin Chinese Dictionary available today.
Tuttle Concise Chinese Dictionary has both Chinese to Engli...
This is an extensive and user-friendly Chinese to English dictionary.
The Tuttle Chinese-English Dictionary provides clear and accurate definitions in idiomatic English for the 18,000 most common Chinese vocabulary items (characters and compounds), including all words required for the official HSK Chinese Language Proficiency Examination used by the Chinese government as well as corporations and universities worldwide.
This Chinese dictionary is designed specifically for English speakers. All entries are listed alphabetically in their romanized form using the standard...
This is an extensive and user-friendly Chinese to English dictionary.
The Tuttle Chinese-English Dictionary provides clear and accur...
This is a compact and user-friendly English-Chinese and Chinese-English dictionary.
The Tuttle Compact Chinese Dictionary is a completely new reference dictionary designed for English speakers who are learning or using Chinese as a foreign language. It contains more than 48,000 words and expressions, including all the words required for the official HSK Chinese Language Proficiency Examination. Entries are carefully selected to reflect the latest usage in the spheres of business, technology, sports and media. For each Chinese word, the pronunciation, word classes and...
This is a compact and user-friendly English-Chinese and Chinese-English dictionary.
The Tuttle Compact Chinese Dictionary is a compl...