Some 20 years ago the introduction of levodopa opened a new era in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Although levodopa remains the single most effective drug for the treatment of this maladie, challeng- ing therapeutic problems arise in many patients after several years of sustained treatment. Among these, fluctuations in motor performance and drug-induced involuntary movements are the most troublesome. The search for improved antiparkinsonian medications therefore con- tinues and important new developments have already occurred, for example the introduction of the dopaminergic ergots and...
Some 20 years ago the introduction of levodopa opened a new era in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Although levodopa remains the single most eff...
Periphere Neuropathien gehoren in der ganzen Welt zu den schwersten Krankheitsbildern. Die iitiologischen Faktoren, welche zu diesem Krank heitsbild fiihren, sind sehr unterschiedlich und schlieBen genetische, meta bolische, toxische, entzlindliche, traumatische und nutritionale Ursachen ein. Manche Polyneuropathietypen sind prinzipiell reversibel, wiihrend bei anderen eine Therapie kaum zielfiihrend ist. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat vor 3 Jahren ein Pro gramm zur Prophylaxe und Kontrolle peripherer Neuropathien gestartet und zahlreiche Symposien liber dieses Thema in den...
Periphere Neuropathien gehoren in der ganzen Welt zu den schwersten Krankheitsbildern. Die iitiologischen Faktoren, welche zu diesem Krank heitsbild f...
The subject of the apallic syndrome is one which has long been familiar to me, although I have not personally studied it as deeply as I would have wished. I became acquainted with this syndrome long before the last war, when my neurosurgical colleague Hugh Cairns (1952), made his pioneer contribution under the term "akinetic mutism" . This was an ar resting title, but it was one which did not altogether satisfy some of his colleagues, includ ing myself. We found it difficult to suggest an alternative. That is one reason why I wel come the expression "apallic syndrome" . Forensic practice has...
The subject of the apallic syndrome is one which has long been familiar to me, although I have not personally studied it as deeply as I would have wis...