Over 10% of the population of the United States is disabled from chronic disease, the vast majority as the result of disorders of the cardiovascular, neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems. This introduction to the management of chronic illness is based on a course given at the University of Washington School of Medicine. It examines the factors related to evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of these patients and is essential reading for all medical students and rehabilitation professionals.
Over 10% of the population of the United States is disabled from chronic disease, the vast majority as the result of disorders of the cardiovascular, ...
Multiple Sclerosis: The Questions You Have, The Answers You Need, 5th Edition is the definitive guide for everyone concerned with the disease - those who have MS and those who share their lives with someone who has it. It covers a wide range of topics in an accessible question and answer format that allows people to easily find the information they need while providing a model of successful communication with healthcare providers.
The contributors are leading authorities in all areas of multiple sclerosis management, who proffer expert answers to the most common questions about...
Multiple Sclerosis: The Questions You Have, The Answers You Need, 5th Edition is the definitive guide for everyone concerned with the disease -...