This is the story of Nick A. Flores who was captured during the first battle at Hell Fire Valley, a few miles from Chosin Reservoir. He served 36 months as a POW at Camp One in Chong-sung, Korea. While a POW, Nick nursed nineteen POWs, brought in by the North Korean Army, and saved thirteen by spoon-feeding, bathing, listening and comforting them -- a task that no one else wanted or would do. He gave his food to fellow POWs and hand made moccasins for those soldiers with frost bitten feet. During repatriation at Freedom Village, General McCall Pate, commander of the 1st Marine Division, was...
This is the story of Nick A. Flores who was captured during the first battle at Hell Fire Valley, a few miles from Chosin Reservoir. He served 36 mont...
This is the story of Nick A. Flores who was captured during the first battle at Hell Fire Valley, a few miles from Chosin Reservoir. He served 36 months as a POW at Camp One in Chong-sung, Korea. While a POW, Nick nursed nineteen POWs, brought in by the North Korean Army, and saved thirteen by spoon-feeding, bathing, listening and comforting them -- a task that no one else wanted or would do. He gave his food to fellow POWs and hand made moccasins for those soldiers with frost bitten feet. During repatriation at Freedom Village, General McCall Pate, commander of the 1st Marine Division, was...
This is the story of Nick A. Flores who was captured during the first battle at Hell Fire Valley, a few miles from Chosin Reservoir. He served 36 mont...