Artistic, yes that's what cooking is all about, its an art, to some it comes naturally while others need t be specially trained. I'm one of those lucky ones, to me it was second nature, . My mom was my mentor and my instructor, I have gained my inspiration for cooking from her from a very young age, her passion for cooking infused in me a greater passion to experiment with ingredients. She taught me the art of blending, marinating and eventually obtaining that special flavour to each dish. I would have loved to include more recipes but due to constraint of space I had to limit myself....
Artistic, yes that's what cooking is all about, its an art, to some it comes naturally while others need t be specially trained. I'm one of those luck...
Popular Musics is a reflection on societies through the ages. Prepared for the general reader, this study views cultures from the Ancient World to the Twentieth Century. Roman arenas, medieval troubadours, Italian madrigals, castrati singers, operettas and musical comedies, jazz and rock fill its pages. Dr. Alice A. Moerk is the author of eight novels that comprise of the NewFoundSouls and PasTimes series, and a children's book Jackie, The Sailor Boy.
Popular Musics is a reflection on societies through the ages. Prepared for the general reader, this study views cultures from the Ancient World to the...