Contrary to intuition, we find automatic relations in all matters important to Architecture. As they are not restricted to technology and lifeless matter only. Today, digitalization of the dominant technological, social and cultural areas is being archived. As an effect, an explicitly new kind of automation technology drives the forth industrial revolution. Now with its unprecedented means, scale and scope it is about to transform every aspect of everyday life.
Architecture faces the challenge of developing concepts for a built-up life world whose elements control themselves...
Contrary to intuition, we find automatic relations in all matters important to Architecture. As they are not restricted to technology and lifeless ...
Wie kann ich einen Entwurf kreativ und doch konsequent gestalten? In diesem Band werden jene Entwurfsmethoden besonders ausfuhrlich diskutiert, die den aktuellen Architekturdiskurs massgeblich gepragt haben.
Wie kann ich einen Entwurf kreativ und doch konsequent gestalten? In diesem Band werden jene Entwurfsmethoden besonders ausfuhrlich diskutiert, die...