Current-mode circuits, where information is represented by the branch currents of the circuits rather than the nodal voltages as of voltage-mode circuits, possess many unique and attractive characteristics over their voltage-mode counterparts including a small nodal time constant, high current swing in the presence of a low supply voltage, reduced distor tion, a low input impedance, a high output impedance, less sensitive to switching noise, and better ESD immunity. CMOS current-mode circuits have found increasing applications in telecommunication sys tems, instrumentation, analog signal...
Current-mode circuits, where information is represented by the branch currents of the circuits rather than the nodal voltages as of voltage-mode circu...
Computer Methods for Analysis of Mixed-Mode Switching Circuits provides an in-depth treatment of the principles and implementation details of computer methods and numerical algorithms for analysis of mixed-mode switching circuits. Major topics include: -Computer-oriented formulation of mixed-mode switching circuits, -Network functions of linear and nonlinear time-varying systems, -Numerical Laplace inversion based integration algorithms and inconsistent initial conditions, -Time domain analysis of periodically switched linear and nonlinear circuits...
Computer Methods for Analysis of Mixed-Mode Switching Circuits provides an in-depth treatment of the principles and implementation...
Many new topologies and circuit design techniques have emerged recently to improve the performance of active inductors, but a comprehensive treatment of the theory, topology, characteristics, and design constraint of CMOS active inductors and transformers, and a detailed examination of their emerging applications in high-speed analog signal processing and data communications over wire and wireless channels, is not available. This book is an attempt to provide an in-depth examination and a systematic presentation of the operation principles and implementation details of CMOS active...
Many new topologies and circuit design techniques have emerged recently to improve the performance of active inductors, but a comprehensive treatme...
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of CMOS circuits for passive wireless microsystems. Major topics include: an overview of passive wireless microsystems, design challenges of passive wireless microsystems, fundamental issues of ultra-low power wireless communications, radio-frequency power harvesting, ultra-low power modulators and demodulators, ultra-low power temperature-compensated current and voltage references, clock generation and remote calibration, and advanced design techniques for ultra low-power analog signal processing.
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of CMOS circuits for passive wireless microsystems. Major topics include: an overview of passive wireless...
Computer Methods for Analysis of Mixed-Mode Switching Circuits provides an in-depth treatment of the principles and implementation details of computer methods and numerical algorithms for analysis of mixed-mode switching circuits. Major topics include: -Computer-oriented formulation of mixed-mode switching circuits, -Network functions of linear and nonlinear time-varying systems, -Numerical Laplace inversion based integration algorithms and inconsistent initial conditions, -Time domain analysis of periodically switched linear and nonlinear circuits...
Computer Methods for Analysis of Mixed-Mode Switching Circuits provides an in-depth treatment of the principles and implementation...
Many new topologies and circuit design techniques have emerged recently to improve the performance of active inductors, but a comprehensive treatment of the theory, topology, characteristics, and design constraint of CMOS active inductors and transformers, and a detailed examination of their emerging applications in high-speed analog signal processing and data communications over wire and wireless channels, is not available. This book is an attempt to provide an in-depth examination and a systematic presentation of the operation principles and implementation details of CMOS active...
Many new topologies and circuit design techniques have emerged recently to improve the performance of active inductors, but a comprehensive treatme...
Current-mode circuits, where information is represented by the branch currents of the circuits rather than the nodal voltages as of voltage-mode circuits, possess many unique and attractive characteristics over their voltage-mode counterparts including a small nodal time constant, high current swing in the presence of a low supply voltage, reduced distor tion, a low input impedance, a high output impedance, less sensitive to switching noise, and better ESD immunity. CMOS current-mode circuits have found increasing applications in telecommunication sys tems, instrumentation, analog signal...
Current-mode circuits, where information is represented by the branch currents of the circuits rather than the nodal voltages as of voltage-mode circu...
Time-mode circuits, where information is represented by time difference between digital events, offer a viable and technology-friendly means to realize mixed-mode circuits and systems in nanometer complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technologies. Various architectures of time-based signal processing and design techniques of CMOS time-mode circuits have emerged; however, an in-depth examination of the principles of time-based signal processing and design techniques of time-mode circuits has not been available until now.
CMOS Time-Mode Circuits and Systems:...
Time-mode circuits, where information is represented by time difference between digital events, offer a viable and technology-friendly means to rea...