A state-of-the-art overview of the influence of terrestrial vegetation and soils within the Earth system. The text deals especially with interactions between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere via the hydrological cycle and their interlinkage with anthropogenic activities. Measurements gathered in integrated field experiments in the Sahel, the Amazon, North America and South-east Asia confirm the importance of these interactions. Observations are complemented by modelling studies, including regional models that simulate flows and transport in river catchments, coupled land-cover...
A state-of-the-art overview of the influence of terrestrial vegetation and soils within the Earth system. The text deals especially with interactio...
Der Sachstandsbericht liefert einen Uberblick uber das wissenschaftlich gesicherte Wissen zu Klima, Klimavariabilitat und Klimawandel in der Region Hamburg. Dabei beschreiben die Autoren sowohl das Wissen uber die letzten 100 Jahre als auch uber mogliche Veranderungen in den kommenden 100 Jahren. Es wird dargestellt, auf welchen Feldern Ubereinstimmung besteht, wo Uneinigkeit oder Unwissen herrschen und wo Forschungsbedarf besteht. Der Bericht wurde im Rahmen des Exzellenzclusters CliSAP am KlimaCampus der Universitat Hamburg erarbeitet.
Der Sachstandsbericht liefert einen Uberblick uber das wissenschaftlich gesicherte Wissen zu Klima, Klimavariabilitat und Klimawandel in der Region...
A state-of-the-art overview of the influence of terrestrial vegetation and soils within the Earth system. The text deals especially with interactions between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere via the hydrological cycle and their interlinkage with anthropogenic activities. Measurements gathered in integrated field experiments in the Sahel, the Amazon, North America and South-east Asia confirm the importance of these interactions. Observations are complemented by modelling studies, including regional models that simulate flows and transport in river catchments, coupled land-cover...
A state-of-the-art overview of the influence of terrestrial vegetation and soils within the Earth system. The text deals especially with interactio...