Nearly thirty years ago, in 1974, the volume on Angiotensin edited by Irvine H.Page and F. Merlin Bumpus expanded the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Even after two decades the multiplicity of its actions appears not to have been fully discovered. To call attention to its many functions is one of the purposes of this book. This new edition of the volume on Angiotensin attempts to provide an updated account of the knowledge and findings accumulated since the complexity of angiotensin was so accurately recognized.
Nearly thirty years ago, in 1974, the volume on Angiotensin edited by Irvine H.Page and F. Merlin Bumpus expanded the Handbook of ...
A Mathematician Said Who Can Quote Me a Theorem that's True? For the ones that I Know Are Simply not So, When the Characteristic is Two This pretty limerick ?rst came to my ears in May 1998 during a talk by T.Y. Lam 1 on ?eld invariants from the theory of quadratic forms. It is--poetic exaggeration allowed--a suitable motto for this monograph. What is it about? At the beginning of the seventies I drew up a specialization theoryofquadraticandsymmetricbilinear formsover ?elds 32].Let?: K? L be a place. Then one can assign a form? (?)toaform? over K in a meaningful way ? if? has "good...
A Mathematician Said Who Can Quote Me a Theorem that's True? For the ones that I Know Are Simply not So, When the Characteristic is Two This pretty l...
Anhand vieler Praxisbeispiele aus den Wirtschaftswissenschaften bietet dieses Buch einen praktischen Einstieg in die Lineare Optimierung. Dabei werden dem Leser insbesondere die zugrunde liegenden Ideen nahe vermittelt. Zu den zahlreichen Aufgaben werden ausfuhrliche Musterlosungen angeboten. Daruber hinaus helfen Ihnen die Beispielklausuren bei der gezielten Vorbereitung auf Klausuren.
Anhand vieler Praxisbeispiele aus den Wirtschaftswissenschaften bietet dieses Buch einen praktischen Einstieg in die Lineare Optimierung. Dabei werden...
A Mathematician Said Who Can Quote Me a Theorem that's True? For the ones that I Know Are Simply not So, When the Characteristic is Two This pretty limerick ?rst came to my ears in May 1998 during a talk by T.Y. Lam 1 on ?eld invariants from the theory of quadratic forms. It is--poetic exaggeration allowed--a suitable motto for this monograph. What is it about? At the beginning of the seventies I drew up a specialization theoryofquadraticandsymmetricbilinear formsover ?elds 32].Let?: K? L be a place. Then one can assign a form? (?)toaform? over K in a meaningful way ? if? has "good...
A Mathematician Said Who Can Quote Me a Theorem that's True? For the ones that I Know Are Simply not So, When the Characteristic is Two This pretty l...
Nearly thirty years ago, in 1974, the volume on Angiotensin edited by Irvine H.Page and F. Merlin Bumpus expanded the Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Even after two decades the multiplicity of its actions appears not to have been fully discovered. To call attention to its many functions is one of the purposes of this book. This new edition of the volume on Angiotensin attempts to provide an updated account of the knowledge and findings accumulated since the complexity of angiotensin was so accurately recognized.
Nearly thirty years ago, in 1974, the volume on Angiotensin edited by Irvine H.Page and F. Merlin Bumpus expanded the Handbook of ...
Thomas Unger U. Muscha Steckelings Robson Augusto Souz
The Protective Arm of the Renin Angiotensin System: Functional Aspects and Therapeutic Implications is the first comprehensive publication to signal the protective role of a distinct part of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), providing readers with early insight into a complex system which will become of major medical importance in the near future. Focusing on recent research, The Protective Arm of the Renin Angiotensin System presents a host of new experimental studies on specific components of the RAS, namely angiotensin AT2 receptors (AT2R), the angiotensin (1-7) peptide with...
The Protective Arm of the Renin Angiotensin System: Functional Aspects and Therapeutic Implications is the first comprehensive publication t...
Das aktualisierte und umfangreich erweiterte Buch uber AT1-Antagonisten wendet sich an alle Arzte in Klinik und Praxis, die sich mit der Therapie von Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen, insbesondere der essentiellen Hypertonie, der Herzinsuffizienz, dem Postmyokardinfarkt und Nephropathien beschaftigen. Um dem Leser das Verstandnis und den Umfang mit dieser neuen Substanzklasse zu erleichtern, sind den Kapiteln uber Hypertonie, Nephropathien und Herzerkrankungen ein Kapitel uber die Physiologie und Pathophysiologie des Renin-Angiotensin-Systems sowie ein Kapitel uber die Pharmakologie und Klinische...
Das aktualisierte und umfangreich erweiterte Buch uber AT1-Antagonisten wendet sich an alle Arzte in Klinik und Praxis, die sich mit der Therapie von ...
The fight against impunity has become a growing concern of the international community. Updated in 2005, the UN Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights Through Action to Combat Impunity is the fruit of several years of study, developed under the aegis of the UN Commission on Human Rights and then affirmed by the Human Rights Council. These Principles are today widely accepted as constituting an authoritative reference point for efforts in the fight against impunity for gross human rights abuses and serious violations of international humanitarian law. As a...
The fight against impunity has become a growing concern of the international community. Updated in 2005, the UN Set of Principles for the Protection a...