Eine gelungene, aussagekraftige Ultraschalluntersuchung erfordert zweierlei: Ebenso wichtig wie ein technisch guter Schallkopf ist ein in der sonographischen Methode gut geschulter Untersucher. Das gilt besonders fur die speziellen Anforderungen der Sonographie bei Kindern. Doch vor der sicheren Ultraschall-Diagnostik steht die Theorie und Praxis der sonographischen Untersuchungstechnik. Dieser Leitfaden vermittelt das fur die Diagnostik notwendige theoretische Wissen anschaulich und praxisbezogen. Die Autoren konzentrieren sich bewusst auf Untersuchungstechnik und Ultraschallanatomie. Damit...
Eine gelungene, aussagekraftige Ultraschalluntersuchung erfordert zweierlei: Ebenso wichtig wie ein technisch guter Schallkopf ist ein in der sonograp...
Intrinsic errors of skeletal development are individually rare but of clinical importance because of their overall frequency and their impact on a patient's life. Sonography has become a routine component of prenatal care, and many of these disorders are diagnosed prenatally. Postnatally, the prenatal diagnosis has to be verified. To this end, fetal radiography is an effective, simple and economic way to establish a diagnosis or to narrow the number of diagnostic possibilities sufficiently to enable pathological, biochemical or molecular studies to be used in the quest for a specific...
Intrinsic errors of skeletal development are individually rare but of clinical importance because of their overall frequency and their impact on a ...
Intrinsic errors of skeletal development are individually rare but of clinical importance because of their overall frequency and their impact on a patient's life. Sonography has become a routine component of prenatal care, and many of these disorders are diagnosed prenatally. Postnatally, the prenatal diagnosis has to be verified. To this end, fetal radiography is an effective, simple and economic way to establish a diagnosis or to narrow the number of diagnostic possibilities sufficiently to enable pathological, biochemical or molecular studies to be used in the quest for a specific...
Intrinsic errors of skeletal development are individually rare but of clinical importance because of their overall frequency and their impact on a ...