Exotisches Laos, rätselhafte Todesfälle und die originellste Ermittlerfigur des Krimigenres§Eigentlich hatte es Dr. Siri bisher nur mit lebenden Patienten zu tun. Doch nun wird er mit seinen 72 Jahren zum einzigen Leichenbeschauer von ganz Laos ernannt. Schon bald hat er es mit zwei mysteriösen Fällen zu tun: Die Frau eines Parteibonzen stirbt bei einem Festessen, und drei tote Männer werden in einem See gefunden. Mit veralteten Lehrbüchern, mangelhafter Ausrüstung, aber viel Witz und Intuition macht sich Dr. Siri daran, die Morde aufzuklären.
Exotisches Laos, rätselhafte Todesfälle und die originellste Ermittlerfigur des Krimigenres§Eigentlich hatte es Dr. Siri bisher nur mit lebenden Pa...
The launch of a brand new series by the internationally bestselling, critically acclaimed author of The Coroner's Lunch
With worldwide critical acclaim, Colin Cotterill is one of the most highly regarded "cult favorite" crime writers today. Now, with this new series, starting with Killed at the Whim of a Hat, Cotterill is poised to break into the mainstream. Set in present day rural Thailand, Cotterill is as sharp and witty, yet more engaging and charming, than ever before.
Jimm Juree was a crime reporter for the Chiang Mai Daily Mail with a somewhat...
The launch of a brand new series by the internationally bestselling, critically acclaimed author of The Coroner's Lunch
In rural Thailand, former crime reporter Jimm Juree must grapple with her quirky family, a mysterious mother and daughter on the lam and the small matter of a head on the beach
When Jimm Juree's mother sold the family house and invested in a rundown 'holiday camp' at the southern end of Thailand on the Gulf of Siam, the family had little choice but to follow. Jimm Juree, who was well on her way to achieving her goal of becoming the primary crime reporter for the major daily newspaper in Chiang Mai, is less than thrilled to have lost her job as a reporter and to be stuck in the middle...
In rural Thailand, former crime reporter Jimm Juree must grapple with her quirky family, a mysterious mother and daughter on the lam and the small ...
Was haben eine liebenswert-verrückte Sippe, ein Hut tragendes Skelett und ein ermordeter Mönch gemeinsam? Sie alle halten Kriminalreporterin Jimm Juree ordentlich auf Trab§Jimm Juree, Mitte dreißig und Kriminalreporterin bei einer thailändischen Zeitung, lebt mit ihrer gesamten exzentrischen Familie unter einem Dach. Als die schrullige Bagage in ein verschlafenes Provinznest übersiedelt, glaubt Jimm, ihr Leben, zumindest aber ihre Karriere sei zu Ende. Doch dann überschlagen sich die Ereignisse: Erst wird durch Zufall ein alter VW-Bus ausgegraben, in dem die Hut tragenden Skelette...
Was haben eine liebenswert-verrückte Sippe, ein Hut tragendes Skelett und ein ermordeter Mönch gemeinsam? Sie alle halten Kriminalreporterin Jimm Ju...
A funny and moving tale set during the secret war in Laos The year is 1970. Waldo Monk is 65 years old, a widower, and two months away from retirement after a lifetime at Roundly's pool-ball factory in Mattfield, Indiana. Enter Saifon, a twenty-something Lao-American girl with an attitude, who has come to the US under mysterious circumstances. She's just arrived at Roundly's, and it's Waldo's task to train her up for his job as pool-ball quality controller. Saifon hates just about everyone, and even though Waldo is tempted to strangle her at first, a friendship grows between them. Two...
A funny and moving tale set during the secret war in Laos The year is 1970. Waldo Monk is 65 years old, a widower, and two months away from retirement...
Evil in the Land Without by Colin Cotterill A Spine-Tingling Tale of Murder and Conspiracy. From England to Burma, A Monster Seeks Revenge. Detective John Jessel works on paedophile cases in Surrey, England. He's good at his job, but on a downhill slide as booze claims his body and lonely life. His latest case is out of control. Postcards signed "The Paw" have taken credit for the murders of several children. But "The Paw" also knows too much about John and his family. There are threats, and he is forced to hide them while he follows every scarce clue. Dr. Shirley Heigh is a Karen intern...
Evil in the Land Without by Colin Cotterill A Spine-Tingling Tale of Murder and Conspiracy. From England to Burma, A Monster Seeks Revenge. Detective ...
Things are bad in New York They're not much better in Saigon But can Bodge find true love in the Orient? Meet CIA agent Robert "Bodge" Leon. He has been a desk jockey in New York since the Agency was formed. It's 1952, and now they want him in the field, spying on the French in Vietnam. His best friend is missing in New York and someone is trying to kill him. How much worse can it get? How about falling in love with the Vietnamese Emperor's beautiful concubine? But she has her own plans and where does Bodge fit in those? Colin Cotterill is the author of the Dr. Siri and Jimm Juree crime novel...
Things are bad in New York They're not much better in Saigon But can Bodge find true love in the Orient? Meet CIA agent Robert "Bodge" Leon. He has be...
Bangkok Beat is a compilation of short stories, interviews, literature reviews and author profiles, plus the previously unpublished history and pictures of the iconic Bangkok cabaret nightclub, Checkinn99 located on Sukhumvit Road. In reading Bangkok Beat you will get up close with many well-known and not so well-known expats and characters staying in Thailand and Southeast Asia. You'll also find a section of noir poems by John Gartland, in which the author depicts life in the city's dark zone. Between the covers of Bangkok Beat you will get to know: champion male and female Muay Thai boxers,...
Bangkok Beat is a compilation of short stories, interviews, literature reviews and author profiles, plus the previously unpublished history and pictur...