My promise to you: NO Technical Jargon If you've just been handed the keys -- err, password -- to a new online store and don't have the faintest idea what to do, this book is for you. Managing an Online Business with osCommerce by Kerry Watson covers everything a NON-technical manager of a new online store needs to know to manage the day-to-day operations of your newly-built online store. Whether you are JUST THINKING about an online store, have your online store UNDER CONSTRUCTION, or already have your online store OPEN FOR BUSINESS... YOU NEED THIS BOOK. This book is about planning,...
My promise to you: NO Technical Jargon If you've just been handed the keys -- err, password -- to a new online store and don't have the faintest idea...
ALWAYS UPDATED because it includes a free subscription to updates for the life of the current series. The user-friendly favorite since first published in 2003 is now updated in its Fifth Edition for today's osCommerce Online Merchant e-commerce shop. Shows you with pictures everything you need to know set up and manage an online store with NO PROGRAMMING, simply by logging into your private Admin and filling in the forms. The most beloved book in our series is now new and improved, with instructions on recently added features including Google+, +1 Button and Google+ Share, and...
ALWAYS UPDATED because it includes a free subscription to updates for the life of the current series. The user-friendly favorite since first publ...