Revisiting Stigma: The Game of Appearances revisits how stigma still, despite awareness about its existence and its effects, dictates how we behave in a variety of situations. Taking excerpts from the play, Night Mother, which uses epilepsy as a case in point, we will see how stigma works as a weapon that punishes any deviation from the established standards of desirability, that forces people to misrepresent themselves and hide their problems. Professionals who have either lost sight of, or underestimate the multitude of overpowering, far-reaching, shame inducing effects of stigma are at...
Revisiting Stigma: The Game of Appearances revisits how stigma still, despite awareness about its existence and its effects, dictates how we behave in...
Esta monografia ofrece una vision plural y contrastada sobre distintos aspectos relacionados con la creacion de neologismos en distintas lenguas romanicas (es, fr, ca, gl, it, pt, ro). Un abanico de propuestas y enfoques formulados por los principales expertos en neologia del panorama internacional actual, que permite trazar las lineas de actuacion e investigacion mas relevantes de este ambito, y que ayuda al lector a comprender las dinamicas de creacion de lexico en unas lenguas que, ademas de un mismo origen, comparten desafios y oportunidades de cara al futuro. Sin duda, los recursos,...
Esta monografia ofrece una vision plural y contrastada sobre distintos aspectos relacionados con la creacion de neologismos en distintas lenguas ro...