In the long-awaited sequel to "Shiny Spots In The Rust," Mike Robertson offers a second helping of his unique insights and quirky inspirations. With humor and storytelling expertise, Mike finds messages of faith in subjects as varied as dirty windshields, wrestling, white elephant parties and weather forecasts. "A constant theme in my ministry has been the belief that God really is everywhere. I may start out a sermon by talking about the Beach Boys or a comfortable chair or a particular species of worm, but Jesus is gonna show up in there somewhere. That's what thrills me the most- he...
In the long-awaited sequel to "Shiny Spots In The Rust," Mike Robertson offers a second helping of his unique insights and quirky inspirations. With h...
A letter written by a seriously ill middle aged man facing the end of his life is found in a safety deposit box after he passes away. The document, immediately thought to be Jack Quinn's last will and testament, sends his oldest friend on a quest to find his birth parents, his adoption only revealed to him shortly before he died. The search for the identity of the decedent's birth parents takes Mark Purchell, a man who has been Quinn's friend for over forty years, from his hometown of Ottawa to a small town on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia. Along the way, Purchell encounters and is...
A letter written by a seriously ill middle aged man facing the end of his life is found in a safety deposit box after he passes away. The document,...