Personality Disorders and Eating Disorders explores and defines the multifaceted relationship between these two fields in a cogent synthesis of prevalence, etiology, and treatment. The book brings together leading specialists in both fields, with a clinical focus on such topical issues as genetics, drug abuse, and childhood trauma-as they relate to each field and as they affect the relationship between the two disorders. Therapists who treat eating disorders will find the material on treatment approaches especially helpful in formulating interventions with particularly difficult patients....
Personality Disorders and Eating Disorders explores and defines the multifaceted relationship between these two fields in a cogent synthesis of preval...
This book is designed to provide professionals with the information and tools they need to treat patients who have eating disorders and engage in self-harm beahviours. Grouped into four major sections these chapters examine the co-occurance of self harm behaviour from a variety of perspectives.
This book is designed to provide professionals with the information and tools they need to treat patients who have eating disorders and engage in self...
This comprehensive reference offers a fresh, integrative perspective on the assessment and treatment of addictive disorders. The work is organized into five sections, which treat theories of addiction, the diagnosis and evaluation of addictive behavior, treatment approaches, addiction among special populations, and clinical and legal issues concerning substance abuse professionals. The broad scope of the handbook encompasses alcoholism, drug addiction, eating disorders, and smoking. Theory is consistently used to illuminate practice, resulting in a valuable overview of the field.
This comprehensive reference offers a fresh, integrative perspective on the assessment and treatment of addictive disorders. The work is organized ...
Despite the overwhelming evidence supporting a multifaceted relationship between personality disorders and eating disorders, few attempts have been made to explore the interface between these two areas in a cogent synthesis with prevalence, etiology, and treatment approach with respect to both conditions. Sansone & Levitt propose to explore and define this relationship, with a single-volume of contributions on the intersection between the two fields. This work includes chapter contributions from authors both in the eating-disorder field and personality-disorder field, with a...
Despite the overwhelming evidence supporting a multifaceted relationship between personality disorders and eating disorders, few attempts have been...