Find all the Hebrew and Greek books of the Bible here in one concise volume. This is the complete Bible written entirely as it has been found over the ages. We present to you the original tongues of the sacred text: the Holy Scriptures.
Find all the Hebrew and Greek books of the Bible here in one concise volume. This is the complete Bible written entirely as it has been found over the...
This work represents an effort to capture those men whose lives illustrate the person of God in the holy scriptures. There is much allegory in the Bible, and there is much to be gleaned from understanding just how the individuals in these ancient texts illustrate God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit for us in time. God uses these allegories to demonstrate many things; often they depict the timeline of events of world history both past and future. I invite you to bring a Bible and read along with me on this wonderful adventure through God's holy word.
This work represents an effort to capture those men whose lives illustrate the person of God in the holy scriptures. There is much allegory in the Bib...