Cecilia Valdes is arguably the most important novel of 19th century Cuba. Originally published in New York City in 1882, Cirilo Villaverde's novel has fascinated readers inside and outside Cuba since the late 19th century. In this new English translation, a vast landscape emerges of the moral, political, and sexual depravity caused by slavery and colonialism. Set in the Havana of the 1830s, the novel introduces us to Cecilia, a beautiful light-skinned mulatta, who is being pursued by the son of a Spanish slave trader, named Leonardo. Unbeknownst to the two, they are the children of the same...
Cecilia Valdes is arguably the most important novel of 19th century Cuba. Originally published in New York City in 1882, Cirilo Villaverde's novel has...
Das vorliegende, sehr praxisnahe Buch wendet sich an alle MTRAs, Schuler und nuklearmedizinisch tatigen Arzten.Es soll ihnen eine Hilfestellung geben zur Durchfuhrung nuklearmedizinischer Untersuchungen bei Erwachsenen und Kindern, sowie zum Erstellen klinikeigener oder praxisspezifischer Untersuchungsprotokolle. Es ist entstanden aus den Arbeitsanleitungen, die in der Klinik und Poliklinik fur Nuklearmedizin der LMU Munchen angewendet werden. In kurzer und ubersichtlicher Form enthalt es alle Informationen zu Vorbereitung, Durchfuhrung und Auswertung samtlicher nuklearmedizinischer...
Das vorliegende, sehr praxisnahe Buch wendet sich an alle MTRAs, Schuler und nuklearmedizinisch tatigen Arzten.Es soll ihnen eine Hilfestellung geben ...
Radioisotope bone scans of the paediatric skeleton have been undertaken in the Departments of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine on a daily basis. Indications for bone scintigraphy include infection, trauma, primary benign bone tumours, as well as malignancy. Other conditions such as avascular necrosis and certain dysplasias also warrant a bone scan. When faced with a child who is symptomatic, but in whom the diagnosis is uncertain, eg. the child with a limp of backache, will require a bone scan to exclude the skeleton as the source of the symptoms. For Departments where paediatric bone scans are...
Radioisotope bone scans of the paediatric skeleton have been undertaken in the Departments of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine on a daily basis. Indicat...