Albrecht Eberle Arthur Rizzi Ernst Heinrich Hirschel
The last decade has seen a dramatic increase of our abilities to solve numerically the governing equations of fluid mechanics. In design aerodynamics the classical potential-flow methods have been complemented by higher modelling-level methods. Euler solvers, and for special purposes, already Navier-Stokes solvers are in use. The authors of this book have been working on the solution of the Euler equations for quite some time. While the first two of us have worked mainly on algorithmic problems, the third has been concerned off and on with modelling and application problems of Euler methods....
The last decade has seen a dramatic increase of our abilities to solve numerically the governing equations of fluid mechanics. In design aerodynamics ...
In a book that will be required reading for engineers, physicists, and computer scientists, the editors have collated a number of articles on fluid mechanics, written by some of the world's leading researchers and practitioners in this important subject area.
In a book that will be required reading for engineers, physicists, and computer scientists, the editors have collated a number of articles on fluid me...
Viscous flow is treated usually in the frame of boundary-layer theory and as two-dimensional flow. Books on boundary layers give at most the describing equations for three-dimensional boundary layers, and solutions often only for some special cases.
This book provides basic principles and theoretical foundations regarding three-dimensional attached viscous flow. Emphasis is put on general three-dimensional attached viscous flows and not on three-dimensional boundary layers. This wider scope is necessary in view of the theoretical and practical problems to be mastered in practice....
Viscous flow is treated usually in the frame of boundary-layer theory and as two-dimensional flow. Books on boundary layers give at most the descri...
This successful book gives an introduction to the basics of aerothermodynamics, as applied in particular to winged re-entry vehicles and airbreathing hypersonic cruise and acceleration vehicles. The book gives a review of the issues of transport of momentum, energy and mass, real-gas effects as well as inviscid and viscous flow phenomena. In this second, revised edition the chapters with the classical topics of aerothermodynamics more or less were left untouched. The access to some single topics of practical interest was improved. Auxiliary chapters were put into an appendix. The recent...
This successful book gives an introduction to the basics of aerothermodynamics, as applied in particular to winged re-entry vehicles and airbreathi...