This fast-paced tale, set in an imaginary world of wizards, warriors, and kings, deals with a boy who discovers that he must fulfill a prophecy that is thousands of years old if the world as he knows it is ever to survive. To accomplish his task and fight off the Dark One, this boy must unite every country on the continent before they are to stand together and face the evil forces that are gathering. To do this he must battle between his conscience and his sense of duty, and then decide on whether or not it is just for him to wage war --if need be-- in order to bring about unity throughout...
This fast-paced tale, set in an imaginary world of wizards, warriors, and kings, deals with a boy who discovers that he must fulfill a prophecy that i...
From its inception in the 1960s to its present form, contemporary Mexican American or Chicano art has developed as an art of identity, asserting the uniqueness of Chicanos and their dual Mexican and U.S. American cultural backgrounds. Because it emerged as a social phenomenon, however, many people outside the Chicano community have perceived Chicano art as merely protest art or social commentary, and Mexican American artists have been largely ignored in mainstream museums and absent in art history texts on American art. Yet more than ever before, Chicano art is diverse in medium, style,...
From its inception in the 1960s to its present form, contemporary Mexican American or Chicano art has developed as an art of identity, asserting th...