This important work of Japanese science fiction presents the story of Yuichi, a youth who escapes the regimented world of Japanese society for the beauty and freedom of Aphrodite, a floating island city built by the visionary Mr. Caan. Excited by the seemingly limitless potential of Aphrodite and confident of his own future, Yuichi encounters a new world: friendship, responsibility, love, and growing up. Seen through the pattern of Yuichi's life, however, is the evolution and development of the true heroine of the work: the island city Aphrodite-ever beautiful, ever filled with the limitless...
This important work of Japanese science fiction presents the story of Yuichi, a youth who escapes the regimented world of Japanese society for the bea...
The third book of our well-received Speculative Japan series, this volume brings more outstanding authors from the Japanese archipelago to English, with a selection of never-before published stories covering a broad range of speculative fiction... from gritty SF to dark fantasy, enjoy a whole new dimension of the imagination
The third book of our well-received Speculative Japan series, this volume brings more outstanding authors from the Japanese archipelago to English, wi...