Popular understanding of Zen Buddhism typically involves a stereotyped image of isolated individuals in meditation, contemplating nothingness. This book presents the "other side of Zen," by examining the movement's explosive growth during the Tokugawa period (1600-1867) in Japan and by shedding light on the broader Japanese religious landscape during the era. Using newly-discovered manuscripts, Duncan Ryuken Williams argues that the success of Soto Zen was due neither to what is most often associated with the sect, Zen meditation, nor to the teachings of its medieval founder Dogen, but...
Popular understanding of Zen Buddhism typically involves a stereotyped image of isolated individuals in meditation, contemplating nothingness. This...
While Buddhists in Japan had long described the migration of the religion as travelling from India, across Asia, and ending in Japan, this collection details the movement of Buddhism across the Pacific to the Americas.
While Buddhists in Japan had long described the migration of the religion as travelling from India, across Asia, and ending in Japan, this collection ...