The team of Harvey Kurtzman and John Severin was one of the most fruitful collaborations in the history of comics. The work they did together brings the gritty realism and psychological truth of Stephen Crane and a verisimilitude to the page that it seems as if they are reporting from the scene. Together with inker and friend Will Elder, whose own obsession for detail perfectly complemented the impact they were all striving to achieve, they produced 34 emotionally draining and dramatically eloquent war stories in just under three years. This book collects them all. Settings include: the Roman...
The team of Harvey Kurtzman and John Severin was one of the most fruitful collaborations in the history of comics. The work they did together brings t...
Even in an era of explicit horror films, Ghastly Graham Ingels still delivers a shock to readers with his grisly depictions of the stomach-churning fates of the evil men (and women) in these stories leavened only by a sly wink to the reader and a generous dose of dreadful puns. Ingels s brushwork oozes ominously across every panel, perfectly setting the mood for the shudder-inducing fates of such corrupt characters as the sadistic asylum director, the political candidate who murders his opponent, the ventriloquist with the homicidal dummy, the millionaire who persecutes an aged junkman, and...
Even in an era of explicit horror films, Ghastly Graham Ingels still delivers a shock to readers with his grisly depictions of the stomach-churning fa...
Reed Crandall's mastery of fine line detail and expertly nuanced pen-and-ink texture is a perfect fit for EC Comics. This collection of 21 Crandall favorites, delineated in his classically illustrative style, includes The Silent Towns, a Ray Bradbury story about the last man and woman on Mars; Carrion Death, a stark horror story about a man struggling through the desert with a corpse handcuffed to his wrist as the vultures circle closer; Sweetie-Pie, the grisly story of a ghoul who sets up a roadside hazard to procure, um, fresh meat; The Kidnapper, about a man who decides to kidnap a baby to...
Reed Crandall's mastery of fine line detail and expertly nuanced pen-and-ink texture is a perfect fit for EC Comics. This collection of 21 Crandall fa...
No comics publisher has had a greater impact -- or generated more controversy -- than the immensely influential EC Comics. The second and concluding volume of conversations with the creators behind the EC war/horror/science fiction/suspense line brings The Comics Journal's definitive interviews together with several never-before-published sessions, including a new interview with the legendary Jack Davis conducted by Gary Groth. It also includes:
- Publisher Bill Gaines on the origins of the company and his terrifying grilling before the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile...
No comics publisher has had a greater impact -- or generated more controversy -- than the immensely influential EC Comics. The second and concludin...
When Jack Davis took up his pen for EC Comics, he made his innocent victims more eye-poppingly terrified, his ax-murderers more gleefully gruesome, and his vampires and werewolves more bloodthirsty and feral than any other artist. These horror and suspense tales from the pages ofVault of Horror, Haunt of Fear, Crime SuspenStories, and Shock SuspenStories offer everything a horror fan could ask for: re-animated bodies and body parts, a ghoul who stores bodies like a squirrel stores nuts, a vampire who moonlights at (where else?) a blood bank, greedy business partners, corrupt politicians,...
When Jack Davis took up his pen for EC Comics, he made his innocent victims more eye-poppingly terrified, his ax-murderers more gleefully gruesome, an...
EC artist Johnny Craig's graphic style is eerily crisp and contemporary. This collection of 25 Craig favorites includes such shockers as Horror House , Werewolf Concerto, Terror on the Moors, and the title story, Voodoo Vengeance along with seven Craig crime classics, including Craig s own personal favorite, The Sewer "
EC artist Johnny Craig's graphic style is eerily crisp and contemporary. This collection of 25 Craig favorites includes such shockers as Horror House ...