We report a study of one aspect of the changing industrial landscape, the use of virtual team working in the supply chain. The supply chain is the group of companies that are involved in the design and manufacture and distribution of products, notably complex products such as cars. Supply chain partnerships often involve cross-company team working, and as members of such teams are rarely collocated, virtual team working supported by IT, offers considerable potential benefits. Companies hope that these technologies can be used to support distributed computer supported collaborative working for...
We report a study of one aspect of the changing industrial landscape, the use of virtual team working in the supply chain. The supply chain is the gro...
About the Book Series The idea for the Book Series Innovation and Change in Professional Education (ICPE) was born in 1996. While working on another publication in this area, we noticed that professional educators faced similar problems without even knowing from each other. It was this observation that resulted in examining the possibilities for a new publication platform about professional education with input from different professions. We wanted to develop a publication source that would bring together educators and researchers to exchange ideas and knowledge about theory, research and...
About the Book Series The idea for the Book Series Innovation and Change in Professional Education (ICPE) was born in 1996. While working on another p...
About the Book Series The idea for the Book Series Innovation and Change in Professional Education (ICPE) was born in 1996. While working on another publication in this area, we noticed that professional educators faced similar problems without even knowing from each other. It was this observation that resulted in examining the possibilities for a new publication platform about professional education with input from different professions. We wanted to develop a publication source that would bring together educators and researchers to exchange ideas and knowledge about theory, research and...
About the Book Series The idea for the Book Series Innovation and Change in Professional Education (ICPE) was born in 1996. While working on another p...
We report a study of one aspect of the changing industrial landscape, the use of virtual team working in the supply chain. The supply chain is the group of companies that are involved in the design and manufacture and distribution of products, notably complex products such as cars. Supply chain partnerships often involve cross-company team working, and as members of such teams are rarely collocated, virtual team working supported by IT, offers considerable potential benefits. Companies hope that these technologies can be used to support distributed computer supported collaborative working for...
We report a study of one aspect of the changing industrial landscape, the use of virtual team working in the supply chain. The supply chain is the gro...
Mit dem Begriff Heuristik werden das Wissen bzw. die Theorien bezeichnet, die sich mit dem Entstehen von Erkenntnissen, Erfindungen, Problemlosungen usw. befassen. Die Bedeutungsvielfalt, in der dieser Begriff Verwendung findet, die bestehende Unklarheit tiber die relevant en Wissenschaftsdisziplinen zur Er klarung und Optimierung heuristischer Prozesse sowie die offensichtliche Kom plexitat der dabei zu berticksichtigenden psychischen Leistungen deuten darauf hin, daB bei der theoretischen Durchdringung dieses Gegenstandsbereiches groBe Probleme entstehen. Andererseits ist das Entdecken und...
Mit dem Begriff Heuristik werden das Wissen bzw. die Theorien bezeichnet, die sich mit dem Entstehen von Erkenntnissen, Erfindungen, Problemlosungen u...
With the world and its structures becoming ever more complex, and the nature of future employment becoming ever more unpredictable, the notion of 'cognitive flexibility' has a high profile in educational and psychological debate. The contributions in this volume analyze the nature of cognitive flexibility, as well as the impact of different types of beliefs on cognitive flexibility. Making adequate decisions requires considering input from a variety of continuously evolving sources rather than adhering to predetermined procedures. Adopting a position in a debate necessitates the critical...
With the world and its structures becoming ever more complex, and the nature of future employment becoming ever more unpredictable, the notion of 'cog...
Als dieses Buch 1992 erschien, gab es in Deutschland keine systematische empirische Erforschung des professionellen Wissens von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern. Dies hat sich seitdem grundlegend geandert - und Brommes Arbeit war ein ganz entscheidender Ausloser und Katalysator fur diese Entwicklung. In seinem Buch hat Bromme nicht nur die damalige psychologische Expertise-Forschung auf den Lehrerberuf bezogen, sondern daruber hinaus und in ausserst folgenreicher Weise die Konzeption des US-amerikanischen Psychologen Lee Shulman zu unterschiedlichen Feldern und Formen des Lehrerwissens mit den...
Als dieses Buch 1992 erschien, gab es in Deutschland keine systematische empirische Erforschung des professionellen Wissens von Lehrerinnen und Lehrer...
With the world and its structures becoming ever more complex, and the nature of future employment becoming ever more unpredictable, the notion of 'cognitive flexibility' has a high profile in educational and psychological debate. The contributions in this volume analyze the nature of cognitive flexibility, as well as the impact of different types of beliefs on cognitive flexibility. Making adequate decisions requires considering input from a variety of continuously evolving sources rather than adhering to predetermined procedures. Adopting a position in a debate necessitates the critical...
With the world and its structures becoming ever more complex, and the nature of future employment becoming ever more unpredictable, the notion of 'cog...