Metal foams are at the forefront of technological development for the automotive, aerospace, and other weight-dependent industries. This guide gives information on the advantages metal foams possess, and the applications for which they may prove suitable. It offers a description of metal foams, their manufacture, and their advantages in industry.
Metal foams are at the forefront of technological development for the automotive, aerospace, and other weight-dependent industries. This guide gives i...
Inside Out Transformation You are who you are, but not for long. People may do all they can to change on the outside, but lasting, genuine change starts on the inside. The true miracle from God, the transformation He wants to make in you today, beckons. Follow pastor Tony Evans as he digs into Scripture to equip you with tools for accelerating this miracle in your life. The cycle of recurring mistakes can be broken as you let trials and temptations develop your character. And if becoming like Christ sounds too lofty or unrealistic for you, think again. Because the road to...
Inside Out Transformation You are who you are, but not for long. People may do all they can to change on the outside, but lasting, genuine ...
From the bestselling author of Kingdom Man and Kingdom Woman, Raising Kingdom Kids equips parents to raise their children with a Kingdom perspective and also offers practical how-to advice on providing spiritual training as instructed in Scripture.
Dr. Tony Evans begins with an overarching look at the need for Kingdom parenting, our roles and responsibilities in raising God-following children, and how to prepare children to take on the assignments God has for their lives. He then takes a practical turn, with examples and illustrations to help parents understand...
From the bestselling author of Kingdom Man and Kingdom Woman, Raising Kingdom Kids equips parents to raise their children with a ...