This book introduces and describes in detail the SEQUAL framework for understanding the quality of models and modeling languages, including the numerous specializations of the generic framework, and the various ways in which this can be used for different applications. Topics and features: contains case studies, chapter summaries, review questions, problems and exercises throughout the text, in addition to Appendices on terminology and abbreviations; presents a thorough introduction to the most important concepts in conceptual modeling, including the underlying philosophical outlook on the...
This book introduces and describes in detail the SEQUAL framework for understanding the quality of models and modeling languages, including the numero...
In 2013, the International Conference on Advance Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) turns 25. Initially launched in 1989, for all these years the conference has provided a broad forum for researchers working in the area of Information Systems Engineering. To reflect on the work done so far and to examine prospects for future work, the CAiSE Steering Committee decided to present a selection of seminal papers published for the conference during these years and to ask their authors, all prominent researchers in the field, to comment on their work and how it has developed over the...
In 2013, the International Conference on Advance Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) turns 25. Initially launched in 1989, for all these years ...
This book covers the whole spectrum of modeling goals to achieve optimal quality in the process model developed. It focuses on how to balance quality considerations across all semiotic levels when models are used for different purposes, and is based on SEQUAL, a framework for understanding the quality of models and modeling languages, which can take into account all main aspects relating to the quality of models.
Chapter 1 focuses on the theoretical foundations, introducing readers to the topics of business processes and business process modeling, as well as the most important...
This book covers the whole spectrum of modeling goals to achieve optimal quality in the process model developed. It focuses on how to balance quali...