Oxford Approaches to Classical Literature (Series Editors: Kathleen Coleman and Richard Rutherford) introduces individual works of Greek and Latin literature to readers who are approaching them for the first time. Each volume sets the work in its literary and historical context, and aims to offer a balanced and engaging assessment of its content, artistry, and purpose. A brief survey of the influence of the work upon subsequent generations is included to demonstrate its enduring relevance and power. All quotations from the original are translated into English. Ovid's...
Oxford Approaches to Classical Literature (Series Editors: Kathleen Coleman and Richard Rutherford) introduces individual works of Greek and ...
The Roman poet Statius' 4th book of "Silvae," published in AD 95, follows its preface with nine poems celebrating occasions from the building of a road to the gift-giving Saturnalian festival. This edition provides the first commentary since Vollmer's of 1898, and covers textual, linguistic, literary and historical questions. The introduction covers Statius' career, the book's chronology and its textual tradition, and the book contains new text, full critical apparatus and facing prose English translation.
The Roman poet Statius' 4th book of "Silvae," published in AD 95, follows its preface with nine poems celebrating occasions from the building of a ...