C.S. Lewis continues to meet CSI...when Amazon Bestselling author Michael Angel presents the third installment in his fantasy series, 'Fantasy & Forensics'. She solves crimes in both magical and mundane worlds. Dayna Chrissie, Crime Scene Analyst for the LAPD, halted a war between humans and centaurs. As a follow-up, she stopped a stone dragon from wiping out the magical deer of the Andeluvian forests. Now a daring thief has stolen a set of 'Phantom' crystals from a Los Angeles museum. There's a witness to the crime, but no one believes him. Except Dayna. Because the thief in question looks a...
C.S. Lewis continues to meet CSI...when Amazon Bestselling author Michael Angel presents the third installment in his fantasy series, 'Fantasy & Foren...
C.S. Lewis continues to meet CSI...when Amazon Bestselling author Michael Angel presents the fourth installment in his series, 'Fantasy & Forensics'. She's solved crimes in both Los Angeles and Andeluvia. Dayna Chrissie, Crime Scene Analyst for the LAPD, halted a war between humans and centaurs. As a follow-up, she's gone head-to-head with dragons and trained griffin warriors. Now she's got to crack the case of a missing Owl Albess Andeluvia is rocked to its core when the owls that write the kingdom's laws make a startling announcement regarding Albess Thea, the leader of Andeluvia's...
C.S. Lewis continues to meet CSI...when Amazon Bestselling author Michael Angel presents the fourth installment in his series, 'Fantasy & Forensics'. ...
Historian Michael Angel compares the early texts written about the Midewiwin, and identifies major, common misconceptions in these accounts. In his explanation of the historical role played by the Midewiwin, he provides alternative viewpoints and explanations of the significance of the ceremonies, while respecting the sacred and symbolic nature of the Midewiwin rituals, songs, and scrolls.
Historian Michael Angel compares the early texts written about the Midewiwin, and identifies major, common misconceptions in these accounts. In his ex...