June 27th, 1994, George Bode's house in Schenectady, New York. The events that occurred at this time and place are mysterious and greatly debated. This book is an attempt to explore the possibilities hypothesized by different schools of thought. It includes the Scrittore Manuscript found at the scene of the incident and ten carefully selected analyses of the incident itself, the manuscript, and their implications. Together, these documents form a representation of the Scrittore Case, the culture that has grown up around the strange occurrence at George Bode's House. For more information and...
June 27th, 1994, George Bode's house in Schenectady, New York. The events that occurred at this time and place are mysterious and greatly debated. Thi...
This fifth anthology by Benicia poets, like previous volumes, represents a wide variety of skills, development, and perspective on the part of the participants. In addition, a number of out-of-town poets are also published here, illustrating the reach and influence of our vibrant poetry community. A Word For All Seasons was my attempt to encourage poets to express their world in whatever variety serves them, in all its complexities, diversities, challenges, and beauty. In the Biblical words from Ecclesiastes, "to everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose..." Poetry reaches...
This fifth anthology by Benicia poets, like previous volumes, represents a wide variety of skills, development, and perspective on the part of the par...