The old ways of trapping and snaring are forgotten by most today and the times to remember them are once again upon us in these times of economic and disaster uncertainty. This old style survival book of trapping and snaring lore, contains one of the greatest descriptive and applicable primitive and modern ways of acquiring game for food and sustenance. The book that was originally published in 1907 has been digitalized painstakingly, not a cheap scan like some offer that is blurry and hard to read. This volume contains information on building deadfalls, snaring with the bits of string you...
The old ways of trapping and snaring are forgotten by most today and the times to remember them are once again upon us in these times of economic and ...
The classical book on how to use steel animal traps in a variety of settings for various abimals such as mink, wolf, otter, raccoon, bear etc.. FUR-FISH-GAME's Harding Historical Books were originally published in the early 1900s.Describes the Various Makes and Tells How to Use Them - Also Chapters on Care of Pelts, Etc.The book that was originally published in 1907 has been digitalized painstakingly, not a cheap scan like some offer that is blurry and hard to read The Prepper Archaeology project is a joint venture between Ron Foster and Cheryl Chamlies to establish a collection of historic...
The classical book on how to use steel animal traps in a variety of settings for various abimals such as mink, wolf, otter, raccoon, bear etc.. FUR-FI...
Scattered from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean are thousands of trappers who use deadfalls, snares and other home-made traps, but within this vast territory there are many thousand who know little or nothing of them.The best and most successful trappers are those of extended experience. Building deadfalls and constructing snares, as told on the following pages, will be of value to trappers located where material - saplings, poles, boards, rocks, etc. - is to be had for constructing. The many traps described in this trapping guide cannot all be...
Scattered from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean are thousands of trappers who use deadfalls, snares a...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable p...
To those that have followed the setting of Steel Traps there is a fascination or "fever" which comes over them every fall about the time of the first frosts. The only remedy seems to be a few weeks on the trap line. While some look upon trapping as an unprofitable business, yet the number is becoming rapidly less, for more and more people are yearly deriving pleasure, profit and health from out-door life such as trapping, hunting, etc. There are thousands of trappers scattered over America who are reaping a harvest of fur each year from their Steel Traps valued at hundreds of dollars in...
To those that have followed the setting of Steel Traps there is a fascination or "fever" which comes over them every fall about the time of the first ...
This book contains much of value to those who expect to follow the business of catching wolves and coyotes. A great deal of the habits and many of the methods were written by Mr. E. Kreps, who has had experience with these animals upon the Western Plains, in Canada, and the South. Additional information has been secured from Government Bulletins and experienced "wolfers" from various parts of America.
This book contains much of value to those who expect to follow the business of catching wolves and coyotes. A great deal of the habits and many of the...
Arthur Robert Harding (July 1871 - 1930), better known as A. R. Harding, was an American outdoorsman and founder of Hunter-Trader-Trapper and Fur-Fish-Game Magazine, and publisher, editor and author of many popular outdoor how-to books of the early 1900s.
Arthur Robert Harding (July 1871 - 1930), better known as A. R. Harding, was an American outdoorsman and founder of Hunter-Trader-Trapper and Fur-Fish...
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock was a famous hunter and trapper of Potter County, Pennsylvania. He wrote stories about his life and experiences which were published in the Hunter-Trader-Trapper Magazine between 1903 and 1913. His stories were compiled into a book titled Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper, and published by A. R. Harding Publishing Company of St. Louis, Missouri in 1913Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper is an autobiography that contains many experiences and observations of Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock during his fifty years of hunting and trapping One of Harding's Pleasure & Profit Books. A...
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock was a famous hunter and trapper of Potter County, Pennsylvania. He wrote stories about his life and experiences which were p...