In recent years, III-V devices, integrated circuits, and superconducting integrated circuits have emerged as leading contenders for high-frequency and ultrahigh speed applications. GaAs MESFETs have been applied in microwave systems as low-noise and high-power amplifiers since the early 1970s, replacing silicon devices. The heterojunction high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT), invented in 1980, has become a key component for satellite broadcasting receiver systems, serving as the ultra-low-noise device at 12 GHz. Furthermore, the heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) has been considered...
In recent years, III-V devices, integrated circuits, and superconducting integrated circuits have emerged as leading contenders for high-frequency and...
In recent years, III-V devices, integrated circuits, and superconducting integrated circuits have emerged as leading contenders for high-frequency and ultrahigh speed applications. GaAs MESFETs have been applied in microwave systems as low-noise and high-power amplifiers since the early 1970s, replacing silicon devices. The heterojunction high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT), invented in 1980, has become a key component for satellite broadcasting receiver systems, serving as the ultra-low-noise device at 12 GHz. Furthermore, the heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) has been considered...
In recent years, III-V devices, integrated circuits, and superconducting integrated circuits have emerged as leading contenders for high-frequency and...